Cybersecurity is a technical issue to be dealt with by experts...
This misconception has cost numerous companies quite a bit of money.
Of all hacking attacks, 95% are due to human error!
People, including your employees, make minor safety mistakes every day when working with computers and smartphones.
So it is essential to keep both your technical and human defence in good working order.

All the same, it’s still a technical issue that few have given the importance deserved.
Moreover, essentially every behavioural change you wish to see in order to make your computers safer has a negative effect on user-friendliness.
Changing the none-of-my-business attitude into an understanding of the technical aspects and having security trump convenience
is challenging, but crucial in 95% of all cyber attacks.
At Stark, we believe in clear language.
We skip the technical jargon and hocus-pocus myth about the world of hackers
and explain in clear language what it’s all really about.
Start-security offers a solution based on three key components.


1) Training courses based on short animations

The animation films are the cornerstone of the approach. Brief sessions of five to ten minutes each cover an essential topic.
The original concept of 3D animations keeps the viewer’s attention.
The intro module offers honest insight into the hacking world that will probably surprise you.



There are ten modules in the series. New information is added continuously since, after all, cybercriminals don’t take a break.
Employees can watch the modules at their own pace and choice of location.
The first module on phishing can be viewed free of charge.
Phishing is by far the number one technique used by hackers today to break into your computer or organisation.
Have your employees watch the free intro and phishing modules.
Not interested in seeing the rest? No problem since, hopefully, your employees will now no longer fall for the no. 1 hacking technique.



2) Phishing exercises

As the saying goes, “the proof of the pudding is in the eating”.
Your employees will be sent a test phishing email twice a year.
These emails are sent by Stark, but from an anonymous email address.
They are sent unannounced to a randomly selected group of your employees to give them the opportunity to practice their awareness and keep them alert to potential phishing attempts.
The emails are based on real phishing emails but, of course, do not contain any viruses or links to risky websites.
You are sent a report with a statistical overview, allowing you to compare your results to other organisations and see how your employees’ awareness has evolved over time.



3) Cybercrime newsletter

New technology is developed continuously.
There are few areas where the open door policy applies as strongly as in cybersecurity.
But what do you need to know as a small business?
What is relevant for you and what is not?
You are sent a brief quarterly newsletter examining the latest trends.
In clear language, without a single byte, you are given a peek behind the scenes of this world.
As a manager, are there new trends you should be aware of that are relevant for your employees?
We make sure that their role is explained in an easily digestible animation.



What we offer

1) A series of 3D animation films that convey the necessary knowledge of cybersecurity to computer laymen in a user-friendly and motivational way.
2) Phishing exercises to keep your employees on their toes.
3) A newsletter to keep you up-to-date on evolutions in the world of cybercrime that are relevant to you as a small business.

And all of this without one word of technical jargon.
This offer is only valid for organisations.

Interested? Contact us for a no-obligation consultation at

Stark BVBA
Bierbeekstraat 21
3360 Korbeek-Lo

BTW: BE0667.526.284